Thursday, August 25, 2011

Mahalashmi astakam:- namastestu mahaamaaye shriipiithe surapoojite

namastestu mahaamaaye shriipiithe surapoojite
shankhchakrgadaahaste mahaalakshmii namostu te 1
namaste garudaarude kolaasur bhayankari
sarvpaaphare devii mahaalakshmii namostu te 2
sarvjne sarv varade sarvdushtbhayankari
sarv dukh hare devii mahaalakshmii namostu te 3
siddhibuddhiprade devii bhuktimuktipradaayini
mantrapoote sadaa devii mahaalakshmii namostu te 4
aadhantarhite devii aadhshaktimaheshvarii
yogaje yogasambhoote mahaalakshmii namostu te 5
sthool sookshm mahaarodre mahaashaktimahodare
mahaapaaphare devii mahaalakshmii namostu te ॥ 6॥
padmasan sthite devi prbrmh savrupini।
Parmesi jagan matar mahalakshmi namostu te ॥ 7 ॥
swetambar dhare devi nana lankar bhushti।
jagatsthite mahaalakshmii namostu te ॥ 8 ॥
Maha lakmyashtakam stotram yah padeth bhakthimannara।
sarv siddhi mvaproti rajym prapnoti sarvada॥ 9 ॥
ek kaale pate nityam mahapaap vinashnm।
dwikaale yah pthe nityam dhandhaanysamnvitah ॥ 10 ॥
trikaalam yah pthe nityam mahashtruvinashnam।
mahalaxmi bhve nityam prsanna varda subhah॥ 11 ॥

In Hindi:-
नमस्तेस्तु महामाये श्रीपीठे सुरपूजिते।
शंखचक्रगदाहस्ते महालक्ष्मी नमोस्तु ते ॥ १ ॥
नमस्ते गरुडारुढे कोलासुर भयंकरि।
सर्वपापहरे देवी महालक्ष्मी नमोस्तु ते॥ २ ॥
सर्वज्ञे सर्व वरदे सर्वदुष्टभयंकरि।
सर्व दुख हरे देवी महालक्ष्मी नमोस्तु ते॥ ३ ॥
सिद्धिबुद्धिप्रदे देवी भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदायिनि।
मन्त्रपूते सदा देवी महालक्ष्मी नमोस्तु ते॥ ४ ॥
आधन्तरहिते देवी आधशक्तिमहेश्वरी।
योगजे योगसम्भूते महालक्ष्मी नमोस्तु ते॥ ५ ॥
स्थूल सूक्ष्म महारोद्रे महाशक्तिमहोदरे।
महापाप हरे देवी महालक्ष्मी नमोस्तु ते॥ ६ ॥
पद्मासन सिथ्ते देवी परब्रह्म स्वरुपिणि।
परमेशि जगन्मार्त महालक्ष्मी नमोस्तु ते ॥ ७ ॥
श्वेताम्बरधरे देवी नाना लंकार भूषि ते।
जगतस्थिते जगन्मार्त महालक्ष्मी नमोस्तु ते॥ ८ ॥
महालक्ष्मष्टकं स्तोत्रं यः पठै भकितमान्नर ।
सर्व सिद्धि मवाप्रोती राज्यं प्राप्नोति सर्वदा॥ ९ ॥
एक काले पठे नित्यं महापाप विनाशनम।
द्विकाले यः पठे नित्यं धनधान्यसमन्वितः ॥ १० ॥
त्रिकालं यः पठे नित्यं महाशत्रुविनाशनम।
महालक्ष्मी भवे नित्यं प्रसन्ना वरदा सुभः॥ ११ ॥

1. Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi*,Who is the great enchantress,Who lives in riches,Who is worshipped by Gods, And who has conch, wheel and mace in her hands.

2. Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi. Who rides on an eagle, Who created fear to Kolasura,And is the goddess who can destroy all sins

3. Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi. Who knows everything, Who can grant any thing, Who appears fearsome to bad people, And is the goddess who can destroy all sorrows

4. Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi, Who grants intelligence and occult powers, Who grants devotion to God and salvation, Who can be personified by holy chants, And who is Goddess for ever.

5. Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi. Who neither has an end nor beginning, Who is the primeval power, Who is the greates Goddess, Who is born out of hard penance, And who can be personified by meditation.

6. Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi, Who is micro and also gross, Who is most fearsome, Who is the greatest strength, Who within her holds the worlds, And is the Goddess who can destroy sins.

7. Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi, Who is the goddess who has the seat of Lotus, Who is the personification of the ultimate truth, Who is Goddess of all, And who is the mother of all the worlds.

8. Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi, Who wears white cloth, Who wears variety of ornaments, Who is everywhere in the world, And who is the mother of all the worlds.

9. Those men who read this octet praising Mahalakshmi, With devotion and discipline, Would make all powers as his own, And also would attain the kingdom for ever.

10-11. If this is read daily once, great sins committed would be destroyed, If this is read twice daily, you would be blessed with wealth and grains, If this is read thrice daily, your great enemies would be destroyed, And the goddess Maha Lakshmi would be with you, With happiness, with blessings and with good tidings.

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